Welcome to SK NEXUS - Do Tech -> Better

Knowledge by Experience

SK NEXUS started as my passion project – passion for sharing knowledge based on experiences.

There’s a severe gap for content relevant to the people around me and I wanted to help fill that need.

Years ago, it started as a simple blog – years later, it’s evolving to cover more.

Join me, as we make space for better knowledge when it comes to tech, career, and business – while having some fun on the way.


It’s no question that the best way to skill up is in company of others with similar goals.
That’s why I decided to create The Wandering Pro Discord community.

  • A home for like minded folks pursuing professional excellence
  • A home for folks driven by passion for their vocation
  • A home for folks who want to learn and collaborate with others
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Unlock The Only Skill To Win

Why do we struggle with negotiating - better pay- better terms- better deals- better outcomes The answer is straightforward: If you can’t afford to walk...
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Your Experience is Forever

I despise Managers, Seniors, Leaders, and Domain experts Or I Used to Having founded relative hyper success in my career very early on My mindset...
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The Perks of A ‘Job’

When I made the decision of going solo and leaving my day-to-day job The number one two 3 4 concern everyone seemed to have for...
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Say No, Without Saying ‘No’

Stop saying YES! to EVERYTHING Yes to deadline changesYes to change requestsYes to scope creepsYes to extra milesYes to exploitation As Project Managers, Developers, Designers,...
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Learn To Empower Your Name

Hey there I am Saqib Tahir And my name has good SEO Here’s why: I Don’t have thousands of followers Don’t work at any high...
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