Face Your Fears

Tim Ferriss is one of the most well-known fellows in the Angel Investment slash Podcast slash Consultant slash Guru space. And his one exercise can help you deal with figuring out…

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Your Children Have No Shoes

Mochi ka apna juta tuta (Or a darker and Englisher version of it: The cobbler’s children have no shoes) That is the reality for many small service providers/agencies Can’t count…

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The Biggest Problem In The World

No company in the world has figured out a solution to this problem Governments, Corporations, Cults, Groups — everyone has always struggled with the ever-evolving issue: “People Problems” Sounds simple?…

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Keep Learning as a Professional

Why do people just suck at learning new things? They are not willing to fail, for a very, very, very, long time I have been on a bit of a…

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Independence of Luck

Am not usually the one to fuel negativity But can’t help but notice the unsurprisingly low energy this past Independence Day As a proponent of staying here, and making it…

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The World Had A S***** Day

Force Majeure A well laid out section in every cheeky contract ‘unforeseeable circumstances that prevent someone from fulfilling a contract.’ - pandemic - earthquakes - floods - world war? Sorry,…

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Are You Really Skilled?

Sitting at Quetta cafes and sipping my 8 cups of daily tea I often overhear people talking about upskilling in “insert whatever the fad is going on (currently AI)” to…

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Are you a Product? or a Service?

The iPhone you just bought is 1,500USD+ here The paycheck you got is 10x less for the same role in US? Why are products priced similarly across the globe But…

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