Remote Jobs in Pakistan

I am a big proponent of remote jobs in Pakistan.
Remote jobs are the best way to scale, especially within domains of IT and Digital Services.

And I am sure you know about this already. After the pandemic, remote work has been normalized across many industries. Freelancing is on the rise. And companies and employees alike are open to working across globe, more than ever before.
But the issue becomes this –

Where do you even get a remote job?

Finding Remote Jobs in Pakistan

Well, you have your usual options, LinkedIn for jobs at companies. Fiverr and Upwork for freelancing. And then if you have the skill – building your personal brand and getting work directly (the best option IMO).

But besides these, there are new and upcoming platforms every day. Platforms that are making remote work a possibility for more folks, in more places.

For remote jobs in Pakistan, I would highly suggest checking out my vetted recommendations below. These are the platforms I have personally used and can vouch for when it comes to finding success:

Braintrust is the leading platform for high quality jobs. They have a gated process to let folks in, but once you are in – they have a thriving community of contractors, freelancers, and employees.

I personally manage the ‘Freelancing‘ space in there as well, and actively volunteer folks with upskilling knowledge. Find me in there once you join up.

Braintrust has an excellent referral program as well. For you to spread the network and get more folks involved in a remote future.

Searching for Remote Jobs in Pakistan can be downright impossible at times. Swooped makes it easy by doing the heavy lifting for you.

Swooped is my go to aggregator for all remote jobs, and it has some nice tools to upgrade your Resume and Cover letters as well. It offers excellent filters and a saved profile system to make your application process smooth. LinkedIn Easy Apply, but one which actually works.

Wellfound, formerly known as AngelList Talent – is the go to place for working at new and rising startups. Working at startups is hard, and the job might not have the best stability. But there is no question that if done right, working at a Startup can be what changes your life.

Wellfound has a really in depth job board for startups with filters and information being at the forefront. Especially if you are interested in equity style compensation, this is your best shot.

Engaging in communities can be an excellent way to get opportunities. And some communities are for professionals, through and through.

I have been active within the Bsides Pakistan community for over a year now and can vouch for its lethality when it comes to everything Cyber Security.

Bsides Pakistan is your one stop solution for Cyber Security Jobs and Mentoring in Pakistan, check these folks out.

Have what it takes to land some of the biggest remote opportunities in Pakistan? Then Crossover is for you.

Be warned though, their application process is probably the hardest and most vetted out there. But if you can get in, it is totally worth it.

The best thing is, anyone can apply to most jobs and all you have to do is pass their specific process for the given opportunity. No bars held based on your history or location.

Looking for more helpful tools, guides, and templates?

Check out the SK NEXUS resources page.

These resources will help you if:

  • You are a Freelancer and want to transition to a Services Business
  • You are an Agency and want to provide better value to your customers
  • You are an employee looking to scale up
SK NEXUS resources, tools, and templates, cover image

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This will be a live page and I will try to keep it up to date as new information rolls out. If you run into any issues with the links please let me know by emailing

Disclaimer: All the platforms listed here are based on my personal and real experiences. I have seen folks get work on these platforms and can vouch for their effectiveness. Some of the links are referral links which may grant you extra perks and help support the SK NEXUS platform.