TMF 022 – What Counts as Innovation – Progressive vs Disruptive Tech

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What makes any tech product an innovation? A question that requires basic understanding of how progress is made with tech around us. In this episode I go over why you should care about progressive vs disruptive tech, how it impacts your daily life, and what to look out for when considering which tech is in fact innovative.

Hosted by Saqib Tahir
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0:00 – TMF 022 – What Counts as Innovation – Progressive vs Disruptive Tech
1:21 – What counts as an innovation in tech?
1:44 – Progressive vs Disruptive advancement in tech
2:27 – The cycle of advancement in tech
3:08 – Problems with ‘innovation’ fatigue
3:45 – Example – Progressive Tech – 1: Moore’s Law and Processors/Chips Advancement
4:22 – Example – Progressive Tech – 2: Smartphone Camera Technology
5:26 – Example – Progressive Tech: Displays and Storage
5:57 – Common theme among progressing technology
6:18 – Example – Disruptive Tech: iPhone and Smartphone Revolution
7:51 – Disruptive tech alone doesn’t mean innovation
8:14 – Example – Failure of Implementation – The advent of 5G
12:27 – Example – Failure of Approach – The promise of autonomous driving/self driving
17:46 – Example – Failure of Use Case Fit – Crypto and NFT never made it to masses
19:58 – How can Generative AI learn from failures of other disruptive technologies
23:53 – AI can be the future of search for masses
25:22 – Problems with current Google search ecosystem
27:04 – How to understand which tech is innovative vs which is not
29:26 – Follow up: Trust issues with tech
31:00 – After show – Tech ke Totkay: Get Access to thousands of books

Companion Article – Progressive vs Disruptive Tech – What is The Meaning Behind Innovation?

Further learning and references
How the Internet of Things will explode in 5-10 years
IoT Devices – ARM
What Are Self-Driving Cars? The Technology Explained
The path to Autonomous Driving 
Understanding Blockchain Technology
Web3 and NFTs Explained
NFTs, explained
Blockchain, explained
What Is a Transformer Model?
How Big Tech Coopts Disruption–and What to Do About It
Coopting Disruption – Stanford

As always –
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