Upwork MasterClass – Road to Upwork Success

So it’s finally time - the time everyone warned me about when I started writing coaching and mentoring content. The time to sell an Upwork course…… JK - but in…

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The Deal With Ideals

It would be ideal if this year• I made 10k$/month• Got 1000s of views on my articles• Had 100s of people in my discord• Be the best PM in Pakistan?…

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The Attempt Trap

Tell me if you've heard this I did 'X' - but it didn't work out - so now I am gonna try 'Y' The 'Attempt Paradox’ - let's coin it…

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Value and Validation

There is only one way to keep growing in your career Provide more value You provide more value for what you take home - and you keep growingUsually- You do…

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Limit of Upwork

30 USD/hour is your limit as the top freelancer That is what the top of the top are making on Upwork Over the past while I have spent my resources…

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Getting Lucky on Upwork

Early success on any platform relies on two factors - PreparationExecution You can go online and learn about succeeding on any platform. But generally speaking, the advice shared does not…

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The Gap To Expertise

Power of asking ‘The Why’ A notion that escaped me for a long time — until it clicked The Why is the gap between a mere Employee VS an Expert A couple…

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Face Your Fears

Tim Ferriss is one of the most well-known fellows in the Angel Investment slash Podcast slash Consultant slash Guru space. And his one exercise can help you deal with figuring out…

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