The Truth About the Dark Web: Myths vs Material

Disclaimer: The following article is meant to educate folks better about what they use on the daily – The Internet.
Our goal here is to equip you with the knowledge for your betterment. Following the recent article where we discussed about how the internet came to be – this is a sequel to talk a bit more about the reaches of it’s depth.

You might have heard everyone talk about or at least mention the term Dark web but what exactly is it? There are so many rumors and misconceptions about it which has created such hype for this topic. I personally have heard people whispering in each other ‘s ears “If you visit the Dark web you can get hacked” and a lot of similar stuff.

All these rumors and misconceptions finally made me cringe so much that I decided to write on this topic today. I don’t really blame others for making the Dark web such a big thing. Such a topic is always fantasized about almost everywhere while the reality lies in the shadows. Special thanks to big YouTubers doing podcasts specifically about it which helps in spreading fake information.

But this ends today, I will be explaining what the dark web actually is, will dive into a bit of its detail, and will be talking about whether a normal guy should use it or not, and lastly will clear some misconceptions about it. My Goal is to educate everyone reading this about the reality of the Dark web. Anyways, enough talking, and let us get right into it.

What are the different Layers of the Internet?

Most of us don’t even realize that the internet which we use as a part of our daily life is just the tip of the iceberg. The internet that we know of is actually composed of three different layers. What are those different layers I am talking about? Let’s cover those.

Surface Web (The Public Web)

The surface web includes content that is easily accessible by everyone on the Internet including me and you. You can think of this layer of the Internet as the Visible layer. Unlike the dark web and deep web which are not indexed by any of the search engines, the surface web is indexed by every kind of search engine, this is the topmost layer of the internet which you are currently using to access this article as well.

To simplify it even further, any kind of content or resource you can access on the Internet without any special kind of permission which includes a login falls under the category of Surface Web. The Interesting thing is this layer consists of only 10% of the total internet, meaning that most of the web is hidden beneath the surface.

Deep Web (The Hidden Web)

This is the second layer of the Internet which makes up 85% of the Internet, the kind of content that can only be accessed using some kind of login and which is not available to everyone comes under the category of the Deep Web. You might be wondering if you can access it without the usage of any special browsers like TOR. The answer is you probably access it every single day with just your normal browser.

To simplify it even further, when you access anything and I mean something as simple as your Gmail, you already are lurking in this layer of the Internet. Ask yourself “Can some random uncle from the street without knowing your login, access your Gmail?” No right?

In short, the Deep web is simply just private and needs some kind of authorization to access. Things like Medical records, private social media accounts, University databases are all part of the Deep Web.

Dark web (The Anonymous Web)

The dark web is only a tiny part of the Internet making up only 4-5% of the Internet. It can only be accessed using specialized networks like TOR. People think the dark web itself is illegal but that is not true. As I mentioned earlier due to it being anonymous, paranoid people like me or People who want to stay really safe just use it for its privacy features although due to it being anonymous illegal activities such as drug selling and much more do take place there.

Intro to Dark Web

The dark web is a hidden part of the internet not indexed by regular search engines. When I say that it is not indexed, it means websites on the dark web don’t show up on Google, Bing or any other normal search engine.

Dark web websites are hidden and can only be accessed through special browsers like the Tor Browser, which allows people like us to surf the internet anonymously, although it is a controversial topic whether or not we are truly invisible on the dark web, but more on that someday later.

You have no doubt heard about it being the hideout for criminals and it is but that is not all that the Dark web is, it serves other purposes as well. It’s primary use is not just for illegal things.

At the end of the day, it all comes down to who is the one behind the screen using it.

Why does it Exist?

The primary reason for the creation of the Dark web was not illegal activities, when people refer to the Dark web they are basically just referring to software like Tor, P2P, and technologies like these that help people stay anonymous. The actual location of individuals remains unknown so they can communicate without having to worry about others knowing where they are. There are some other key reasons for its existence as well which are the following.

Freedom of Speech

In many countries, governments heavily restrict online content. The dark web allows people in these countries to access such restricted content which include blocked websites, the sharing of different kinds of information. It also allows people to discuss ideas that are normally suppressed by governments.

It proves to be a good platform for those who want to be heard for their ideas and who want to disclose the reality of many things without being dragged out of their house and gunned down.

Whistleblowing and Journalism

This platform is very important for whistleblowers and journalists. These individuals are the true heroes of our society who expose the nasty stuff going on inside governments and corporations. Whistleblowers cannot go on media and expose the governments, if they do they face serious consequences and I am talking about life and death right here.

Anonymity tools like SecureDrop which is a platform on the Dark web, it offer a secure way for whistleblowers to send any kind of documents or share messages with journalists without revealing their identities. 

Privacy and Anonymity

The Dark web provides a space where people do not have to worry about their privacy because different technologies such as TOR and P2P make sure that your identity remains safe. Both of these technologies come under the category of Decentralized network which means that no kind of authority controls it. This makes it significantly harder for governments to block access to information, which gives birth to a more open and unrestricted internet.

So thanks to such technologies for making our lives better, in modern society, things like the privacy of an individual are not respected and big tech companies are trying their best to gather as much data about everyone and most of the time it is not even necessary. Maybe you should start treating the Dark web as a gift rather than a curse because it is only helping you at the end of the day. It is like a strong ability in everyone’s hand, you can choose to use it for the good or you can choose to use it for the bad.

Common Myths vs. Reality

In our society, regarding the Dark web there are tons of misconceptions, everyone has their own theory of what is happening there, I am going to bust open the brains of the most famous myths related to the Dark web. Let’s get right into it.

Myth #1: The Dark Web is Entirely Illegal

Reality: Many people believe if you access it, the FBI is gonna bust open your door and swat your room but this is completely false. The dark web is simply a part of the internet that isn’t indexed by search engines like Google or Bing (I hate Bing). Now don’t get me wrong, tons of illegal stuff and criminal activities do take place there, but It also serves legitimate purposes. 

Journalists use it to communicate safely with whistleblowers. Citizens in countries where they are oppressed rely on it for free speech and uncensored access to information.

Everyone has a knife in their house, you use it to cut fruits or to kill your neighbor’s cat. It all comes down to the one holding the knife, afterwards you can’t blame the Knife right? So stop saying the dark web is illegal.

Myth #2: You Will Get Hacked Just by Accessing the Dark Web

Reality: Some years ago When I did not know anything about technology One of my friends told me “If you visit the Dark Web your pc will get hacked and you will get life-threatening messages (Lol)”, I actually did believe him but that is not how it works. Just visiting the dark web does not get you hacked folks

Although you can get hacked. But as long as you don’t download random free RAM or some other questionable stuff, clicking on shady links nothing is going to happen and this is a piece of advice you should start acting on whether you are using the surface web or Dark web.

Myth #3: Law Enforcement Can’t Track You on the Dark Web

Reality: If you are thinking that the Dark web makes you some kind of bulletproof superhero who cannot be caught by Law Enforcement or the government if you are doing something illegal then you are wrong fellas. While technologies like TOR and P2P do help you maintain your privacy they are not perfect. Some people connect to a Proxy before connecting to the Tor network thinking it’s going to help but It will not.

Mark my words, if you are doing something shady it is a matter of When. You will get caught. Most of the time technology itself is not even the reason why cyber criminals get caught. It’s their Opsec, we humans are prone to making mistakes and when we commit that mistake, that is the point when the FBI is going to bust into your house.

People have been tracked down and arrested for operating on the dark web, Some of the examples are:

1. Silk Road, one of the biggest dark web drug markets, was taken in 2013, and its founder was arrested.

2. Several child exploitation networks on the dark web have been infiltrated and taken down by law enforcement.

3. Hector Monsegur aka Sabu the infamous high-ranking person of the infamous Anonymous hacktivist group

So next time any of you thinks of doing something shady, keep in mind that Tor is not bulletproof. Governments have ways to track people through compromised nodes, and operational security mistakes.

Myth #4: You Need to Be a Hacker to Use the Dark Web

Reality: Ladies and gentlemen this might be good news for you. You don’t need to be a hacker to use the dark web, people believe that you need to be the father of Edward Snowden to start using the Dark web but it’s false. Using the dark web is as simple as downloading Tor and typing in some .onion website although I highly advise not to do it unless you have a clear reason to because visiting random sites on the Dark Web can land you in jail.

While being a hacker is not necessary, being aware of how basic security works and knowing how to keep yourself safe online is. If you visit the Dark web without any of that you probably will end up downloading some malware, then you will have to visit Bashir to install new Windows for you : ( 

Myth #5: Everything on the Dark Web is a Scam

Reality: Scams are very common on the dark web, but not everything is fake. There are actual marketplaces where people buy and sell things (legal and illegal). When companies get hacked all of their database dumps are sold on the Dark Web for a price and most of the time, all that data is legit. Aside from the illegal things, There are some very good communities discussing stuff related to privacy as well.

Now do not misunderstand me, people often get scammed when purchasing different (illegal | legal) services or products. Since there’s no customer support or legal protection, if someone gets ripped off, they can’t really complain to anyone, what are they gonna do? 

Myth #6: The Dark Web is Only for Criminals

Reality: Since the dark web is viewed as a gothic asylum it is normal to think that only  criminals and bad people use but it’s not the case, I even mentioned it earlier but discussing this again so I can get this myth out of your brain. Many cybersecurity professionals, paranoid peeps, and researchers use it for legit reasons. Threat Intelligence is its own niche in Cybersecurity. Companies hire specialized personnel and firms to scan for their data on Dark Web marketplaces.

Think of it like a private club: not everyone inside is a criminal, but since it’s hidden from the public, it attracts both good and bad people.

Should the Average Ashfaq Use the Dark Web?

Since the dark web has this mysterious aura around it, people always get curious to find out what it actually is and they ask themselves should I visit it? Well, visiting the dark web is not a crime nor will it get you hacked (depending on a lot of context and asterisks) but having a solid reason to visit it, is the answer to this question.
So that being said I will list some valid reasons that justify visiting the dark web 

Privacy-Focused Browsing

So, you’re tired of the Big Brother tracking your every move across the internet? I get it. Switch to Tor. It’s like wearing an invisibility cloak on the internet, except it’s a little less stylish than Harry Potter’s or maybe you don’t want authorities tracking your data when you are trying to watch your favorite YouTuber.

Using Tor (even on the surface web) helps anonymize your activity although you might not get the best speed when browsing the internet using TOR because it has to do a lot of work even when you are doing something as simple as sending a request to a website.

Research and Journalism

Now, this is truly something serious. Maybe you are some guy who is holding tons of secrets about the internal workings of the government and you want to tell all that to some journalist. In most countries, that’s a one-way ticket to a dark alley you don’t want to end up in. So yeah, the Dark web proves to be a lifesaver for people trying to uncover the truth without worrying about being silenced…or worse.

Bypassing Censorship

Let’s be real: not everyone on the internet is free to browse without someone looking over their shoulder. In some countries, content is heavily restricted and even VPNs don’t work, they are blocked and at that point, if someone wants to access something that is not available, their only shot is the Dark web. So if you are from such a country with tighter censorship laws, accessing the dark web is reasonable (you can also share memes on the dark web which are not allowed by your government because they are too good).

Cybersecurity Monitoring

If you are a tech boy and know some bits about how things work, (yes, I’m talking to you, ethical hackers), the dark web is like your playground for spotting leaked credentials and much more. Cybercriminals love to drop all their dirty laundry there. If you’re hunting for sensitive data like email addresses, passwords, or even stolen credit cards, the dark web has you covered. 

If you have other reasons to visit the dark web, like hiring a hitman to take out your grandma because she refuses to make blueberry pies (which, for legal reasons, I highly suggest you don’t), then congratulations, you’re exactly the kind of person who gets scammed on there. Seriously, 90% of those services are run by teenagers with Photoshop.

But jokes aside, unless you’re a journalist, researcher, privacy advocate, or cybersecurity professional, there aren’t many legit reasons for the average person to dive into the dark side of the internet.

Potential Risks Involved with Visiting Dark Web

Even if you qualify to use the dark web such that you have a solid enough reason to visit it. There are still some risks which are involved when visiting the dark web. Let me shed some light on them, so If you do visit it, you at least have some type of awareness regarding the stuff you are getting your feet into. 

Malware & Hacking 

Many sites host malicious downloads and if you download them then it is game over for you, other than that clicking on random links can also get you in trouble so you better watch out for that freevbucksgen (dot) com

Scams Everywhere

Since there’s no almost-none regulation, marketplaces claiming to sell different services are probably a scam, and trust me Once you get scammed you can’t report it to anyone any time soon. 

Illegal Content

Even if you are somebody who is using the Dark web to mind their own business a lot of times you can end up on a rip-off version of a legit website and all kinds of stuff might get thrown at your face, I am talking about real disturbing material and after that your whole day, hell your whole week might get ruined because of that and ultimately it will make you wash your eyes with bleach.

Final Verdict: Should You Use It?

I will put it in as simple words as possible. If you have a genuine reason (privacy, research, cybersecurity), and you know how to stay safe, then using the dark web responsibly is fine. But if you’re just curious then you better stick to watching YouTube videos covering the dark web or else you will regret it.

Summing it up

In conclusion, the Dark Web is often misunderstood and surrounded by tons of misconceptions. While illegal activities do take place there but that is not all, it also serves essential purposes, such as protecting privacy and providing a platform for whistleblowers and journalists in oppressive environments. 

According to me, It should not be viewed as something evil or bad, but rather a tool that can be used for the good or bad depending upon the person using that tool. With the right precautions and safety measures, you can use this tool for the better. Lastly, do remember to stay safe and secure.

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