TWP 005 – Learning How To Learn – The Good, The Bad, The Ugly

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Failing to teach people how to learn is probably the biggest failure of our ecosystem. In today’s episode I want to talk about three ways you can keep on learning, and keep on growing.
Covering areas like:

  • What is Learning how to Learn
  • The 3 ways I have used to learn
  • What is an educational content creator
  • How to gather useful knowledge
  • What is Project Based Learning
  • What is wrong with Ad boosted courses
  • What to keep an eye out on in future

Hosted by Saqib Tahir
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1:19 – Failure of our education system
2:15 – Basics of Learning how to Learn
2:56 – Learn how to Google!
3:17 – 0 to hero mentality
4:21 – What you should learn about
4:59 – I am not selling you a course….but
6:08 – Intro to LinkedIn Learning – The best ROI platform for learning
7:41 – Best investment is into S&ME
8:43 – What is an Educational Content Creator?
10:11 – My favorite creators for educational content
11:10 – What is definition of a good creator led course?
11:28 – How to identify the right course for yourself
12:26 – Never buy based on promise of money!
13:25 – Useful tip to save some money as a Pakistani course buyer
14:57 – Most courses are…..well…not good for you
15:29 – Summary: My recommendation for courses
16:08 – Intro to Knowledge Curation
16:33 – How I passively keep learning about tech
18:29 – Knowledge Curation – The Basics
19:05 – How to curate your Twitter feed
19:46 – How to curate your LinkedIn feed
21:47 – My opinion on LinkedInFluencers
22:22 – What is sticky content?
23:25 – The problem with short form educational content
23:41 – Knowing your goal with learning
24:05 – Learn using longer format content
24:28 – Short form vs Long form educational content – learn to balance knowledge curation
25:28 – Learning by Execution – The best way to learn
27:25 – Arming your boredom to learn
28:43 – Intro to Project Based Learning focused around Execution
29:48 – Rules for good Project Based Learning
31:46 – Using roadmaps to develop a project
33:14 – Creating projects based on outputs
36:00 – In the car segment: Running Ads on courses – My problems with it

Further learning and references

As always –
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See you next time.

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