TWP 008 – Getting Lucky – The Reason Everyone Succeeds While ‘You’ Don’t

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Getting lucky is something that is in your control. Just have to understand why people get lucky before you do that. In this episode of The Wandering Pro, I cover what is luck in career, how can one game it, the best ways to build a strong foundation in today’s ecosystem, and what you need to do starting today.

Hosted by Saqib Tahir
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0:10 – New structure that might be better for a Career Podcast series
0:59 – Introduction to what is luck
3:07 – Comparison mentality of the people
4:07 – How you should measure success in career and life
5:01 – Stop glorifying end results, learn to see the journey behind it
6:18 – The things in your control related to luck
7:20 – Luck is all about being available
8:18 – What is user generated luck? (UGL….lol)
8:58 – Execution on improving your luck
9:39 – Step 1: Having online presence and a website
10:14 – Reason for having a website – control
11:25 – Structure of a basic website you should aim for
13:48 – Why testimonials are important and how you should get some
15:08 – Don’t make getting in touch impossible
16:43 – Having a website is all about persistence
17:52 – Why projects are important
18:23 – Have the right mindset for having your own website
18:58 – Best practices for making a website
20:20 – Building a portfolio, why is it harder for some than others
21:39 – What is a case study and how you can adopt it
22:32 – Example: Bug Bounty Case Study
23:49 – Blogging might be the most important thing you do in your career
25:11 – How to start writing a blog – works for everyone
26:02 – This should be the motive of writing a blog
27:12 – If ‘this’ then ‘that’ – how one improves their output
28:01 – Best practices for portfolio building
30:00 – Networking is the business referral equivalent for your career
30:40 – Understand the difference between networking and spam promoting yourself
31:11 – Networking approach 1: LinkedIn – the right way
33:01 – Networking approach 2: Engaging in communities
34:45 – Best practices for networking
36:20 – It’s all about persistence at the end of the day
37:13 – Question for you
39:02 – In the car segment: Getting affirmation for the content I create

English Transcript Summary: Coming Soon….

Further learning and references

As always –
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See you next time.

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